Digital Dentistry

Digital Dentistry

Planmeca Intra Oral Scanner Imperial Dental Center Sugar Land Texas

Our new Intraoral Scanner (IOS) is used to accurately capture digital impressions for crowns, bridges and implant crowns.

The virtual impressions are fast and more comfortable than the previous methods.

No more messy and uncomfortable trays that have to stay in your mouth for 15 minutes and leave you with an unpleasant aftertaste.

The IOS comfortably scans your teeth and the entire process only takes a few minutes.

Planmeca Emerald Scanner Imperial Dental Center Sugar Land Texas
The New Intra-Oral Scanner (IOS)

The scanner is extremely accurate, allowing for a perfect fit of the crowns and eliminates adjustments, saving time and ensuring quality.

The Planmeca intraoral scanner we have is one of the best performing scanners on the market. It is the crown jewel of intraoral scanning!

*Photos courtesy of Planmeca

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