The Truth About Sparkling Water

The Truth About Sparkling Water and Your Teeth Imperial Dental Sugar Land Texas web

Staying hydrated is critical for every aspect of body functioning and long-term health. Even so, many people simply do not like the taste of water. As an alternative, sparkling water is a popular solution with flavors that appeal to people who do not like flat tap water. What is sparkling water, and will it affect your teeth?
About Sparkling Water

Sparkling water is made when water is infused with carbon dioxide at high pressure and low temperatures. The carbon then dissolves in the water creating carbonic acid – the fizzy stuff. Sparkling water on its own is considered a true source of hydration. The American Dental Association has recognized sparkling water as “generally fine for your teeth”.  However, too much of anything can be bad for you.
The Sweetness In Sparkling Water

For some, the tingly bubbles of sparkling water is preferred over flat water. For others, it’s finding a flavor they enjoy. Some brands use sugar to achieve a desired fruit-flavor. These sweetened beverages may contain as much sugar as a can of soda. Sugar encourages bacterial growth in the mouth which leads to enamel decay and cavities. Over time, excess consumption of sugar can contribute to more serious mouth issues including gum disease.

Instead, opt for sparkling waters sweetened naturally with citrus and other fruits without the addition of sugar or artificial sweeteners. Check the ingredient listing before choosing a sparkling water that’s right for you.
Protecting Teeth

The carbonic acid which makes the carbonation (bubbles) is a weak acid and in moderation (1-2 drinks per day) has been deemed okay by the ADA. Excess consumption exposes your mouth to increased levels of acid which eats away at enamel, creating sensitivities to hot and cold temperatures, and makes teeth vulnerable to decay.

Rinse your mouth with regular tap water after enjoying sparkling water, other beverages, foods, and tobacco products to remove cavity-causing bacteria. Brush twice per day for two minutes each time. Floss in the evening to remove food particles that have lodged between teeth and gum.  Visit your dentist twice per year for a deep clean and to ensure the health of your mouth above and below the gumline.

Summer is here and hydration is a must. When tap water is not an option, reach for a sparkling water but choose wisely. We want you to enjoy your beverage while taking good care of your teeth. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Dr. Dragana Angelova
Imperial Dental Center
“We love to see you smile”