Our Blog – Sugar Land Texas

Fall is here, and Winter is shortly approaching. We welcome the beauty of autumn-colored leaves and coolness of freshly fallen. But there is another season lurking around; one we try to avoid – cold and flu season.  Starting in November, cold and flu season can...

Toothpaste is an integral part of any dental care routine. Purchasing toothpaste should be an easy process. With many major retail stores carrying up to 8-feet of shelving filled with a plethora of product choices, we can feel overwhelmed about what to buy. In a...

  As a dentist, I am dependent on my dental hygienists. They are integral in running a practice that is committed to providing the highest quality care for our patients. The dental hygienist is often the first person you see after sitting in the exam chair....

  Talking about oral cancer is not easy. Yet, we must. Oral cancer is on the rise. This year, about 51,540 Americans will be diagnosed with oral cavity or oropharyngeal cancer. Often found in stages 3 or 4, it affects even young individuals, both male and...

We often know the answer to a question before asking but are hoping for a different response that aligns with what we want versus what we know is best. For example, we know it is recommended to have our teeth cleaned every six months, but...

Over the years as we look in the mirror, we may sometimes notice that more of our teeth are showing. They somehow look longer. While teeth do not grow, gums can recede over time, showing more of our teeth. Receding gums are a common concern...

No one wants bad breath. From onions and garlic to daily morning breath, most of us have experienced bad breath in one form or another. When the self-conscious smell of your breath is causing daily and regular discomfort, it may be a sign of a...

Do you remember the days of the Tooth Fairy? That moment when our baby tooth began to loosen and by the hands of our father, mother, string or pliers, it was wiggled back and forth until it fell into our hands. Placed carefully under our...

Not everyone wants 15 minutes of fame. We avoid the camera, public speaking, or any kind of face-to-face conversation when someone may see our teeth. Rather than an expression of joy, a smile is dwarfed by the self-conscious condition of our teeth. Are your teeth...