Our Blog – Sugar Land Texas

Your dentist has advised that you need to have your wisdom teeth removed, but you’re not sure why. Also known as the third molar, wisdom teeth often need extraction even in the absence of pain. In fact, nearly 85% of adults have had their wisdom...

There are some celebrities that make the rumpled bed head hairstyle look good. Rod Stewart. Mick Jagger. We know them for their voices and iconic songs as much as we do for their signature looks. But when your toothbrush develops a bad case of bed...

We want to keep our teeth long-term; to bite into a crunchy treat or to enjoy our favorite foods. The foundation of good dental hygiene begins at home with the Daily 4: brush, rinse, floss, and chew. Fluoride-containing toothpaste helps in the prevention of dental...

The month of February is National Children’s Dental Health Month. Dedicated dental professionals and healthcare providers come together to educate children and their parents on the role of good oral hygiene for long-term health. Coincidentally this month the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)...

Restorative dental options have come a long way since the days of George Washington and the mythical wooden teeth. Today there are a number of reasons why a person may lose a tooth. From gum disease to tooth decay, injury, aging, or genetic conditions, over...

Two minutes twice per day. Four minutes total. Just 4 minutes a day that consists of 1,440 minutes is all it takes to establish a regular dental health routine. More than fresh breath, regular brushing removes harmful bacteria that cause plaque build-up which can lead...

In our continuing series on the impact of dental health to systemic diseases, this month we are discussing the direct link between periodontal disease and diabetes. It is well-documented within scientific and medical communities that a committed dental care routine can positively affect glycemic control....

Fall is here, and Winter is shortly approaching. We welcome the beauty of autumn-colored leaves and coolness of freshly fallen. But there is another season lurking around; one we try to avoid – cold and flu season.  Starting in November, cold and flu season can...

Toothpaste is an integral part of any dental care routine. Purchasing toothpaste should be an easy process. With many major retail stores carrying up to 8-feet of shelving filled with a plethora of product choices, we can feel overwhelmed about what to buy. In a...